Jeans: A Brief Guide | TQS Magazine

Vivienne Westwood famously said she hates jeans – she reckons that there’s little less imaginative when it comes to dressing than pulling a pair of Levi’s. Well, the entire population of planet Earth must be pretty lazy then, because there’s no denying it – jeans are everywhere. From the classic, turn of the 20th Century blue worker denim, through to becoming uniform for the achingly cool rock and roll movie stars of the 50’s like Brando and James Dean, and the inevitable designer phase of the 90s with Calvin Klein, jeans have continued to permeate both Proper History, and pop culture, since their inception. You can visit almost any high street fashion retailer and pay homage at a denim mecca – jeans have, and always will be, a staple of mainstream dressing.

But what makes the perfect pair of jeans? Every man’s wardrobe should contain at least one pair of the perfect jeans – and if you don’t, you need to go find them a-sap. Firstly -they should be a dark shade of blue, and then they should be versatile – try them with a simple t shirt, a more formal shirt and a suit jacket. Works with all three? You’re onto a winner. The shape and cut of the jean is down to what you’d prefer, and what suits your body shape, but avoid flared or boot cut if you’re wanting something that’ll survive throughout changing trends. If you’re unsure, go with a straight leg and a level of tightness that complements rather than squashing or hiding.

Once you’ve got your perfect pair sorted, make them last by washing them inside out and having a pair of back ups so they don’t get worn out too soon. Your second pair can be something on trand – try a skinnier jean if they look good, or a loose fit jeans for men can work if you’re a bit younger.

Buy Jeans online at DefShop.