It’s nicer than it sounds, we promise.
Chaos Island is Lynx’s version of paradise which if the video below is anything to go by features (to the theme of 12 days of Christmas):
At least 18 pizzas 11 speed boats A crack squad of ninjas 9 women in bikins 8 men in swimming shorts a pillow fight in mid swing A shit load of disco balllllllllllllllllllls 4 cocktail waiters shaking 3 white-suited men singing 2 crates of lynx a weapon of mass destruction
Somewhere in the Caribbean Seaaaaaaa
Sounds like a fun trip in our books.
Lynx are giving you a chance to win a pair of all expenses paid tickets to Chaos island so you and a mate can party in true Lynx style. To win, be the first to complete on their treasure hunts which take place every Tuesday at 4pm and Saturday at 10am on their Facebook page.
What do you have to do win?
At the times stated above Lynx will release a clue here which sets of a treasure hunt – the first person to complete it, wins a pair of tickets – simple as that! People who completed the treasure hunt but weren’t first will also be entered into a prize draw to win a further pair of tickets.
We went on the first online treasure hunt (for research purposes of course, it’s not like we want to win*) and found the whole affair pretty fun. Let’s be honest, there are hundreds of competitions to win stuff on the internet but this campaign asks for more than the standard:
Q. What is 2+2?
A. 4?
B. Jellyfish
Without giving too much away, to complete the first treasure hunt we had to: use a morse code translator, read stuff backwards, find a proverbial needle in a haystack and do summit with a map (we’re still not sure what.) Oh, and if you’re one of them there tweeters, use the hashtag #chasethechaos to release more clues.
So what are you waiting for? Get entering.
This post was sponsored but all thoughts (and frankly absurd ditty) our own.