29 August 2011 No Comment
In a new regular feature, we’ll be giving you the best TV & film picks every week to make sure you don’t miss the best of the small screen.
Monday 29th August
Stephen Fry’s 100 Greatest Gadgets – 8pm Channel 4
Putting aside that I could listen to Stephen Fry narrating the dictionary, this 3 hour countdown of Fry’s (and other famous faces) gadgets promises to be great viewing. Although the definition gadget seems to a be a little loose with gizmo’s as exciting as the apple peeler apparently making his top 20.
Tuesday 30th August
Seven Dwarves – Jamie’s Story – 9pm Channel 4
When first advertised Seven Dwarves looked like pure exploitism but actually, it’s pretty good. Following seven dwarves living together during panto season, this week the sow puts the spotlight on the country’s only drag artist dwarf – Jamie John.

Wednesday 31st August
Dante’s Peak – 10.35pm ITV 1
1997 Volcano disaster film Dante’s Peak is one of my all time guilty pleasures, a perfectly undemanding slice of TV to pass a Wednesday evening (and it has Pierce Brosnan in it!)

Thursday 1st September
Jig – The Great Irish Dance-Off – 9pm BBC2
I first heard about Jig on the BBC’s Culture Show when the critics reviewed the docu-film when it was enjoying enjoying limited cinematic release. Following a selection of young dancers as they prepare for the annual world championships (a huge deal in the business) we get an insight in the obsessive and bizarre world of the competitive Irish Dancer.

Friday 2nd September
The Million Pound Drop Live – 9pm Channel 4
A welcome return to Davina McCall to our screens with the new series of The Million Pound Drop this Friday, with questions that have you either shouting at the screen for being so obvious or shouting at yourself in a mirror for not being sure (just me?) the format is great to play along with, especially online.

Saturday 3rd September
Doctor Who – 7pm BBC1
A pop culture phenomenon, Dr.Who has captured swathes of new fans since it’s return to our screens and I’m unashamed to admit I’m a full on Dr.Who geek, to the extent of planing my Saturday night around my weekly fix. Back for it’s second half of this year’s series be sure to tune in to find out more about the cryptic life of River Song and the terrifying religious order, The Silence. You should also check out our 10 prediction for the new series of Dr.Who

What are you most looking forward to?
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