Gay rights organisation Stonewall have released their annual report on the top 100 gay-friendly employers, the results are based on the group’s comprehensive equality index with the aim to:
Recognise the pioneering efforts of leading businesses to create workplaces where lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people can reach their full potential.
The top 10 employers are: 10 Barclays 8 (joint) HM Revenue & Customs 8 (joint) Brighton & Hove City Council 7 East Sussex County Council 6 Goldman Sachs 5 IBM 4 Hampshire Constabulary 3 Ernst & Young 2 Lloyds Banking Group 1 Home Office
Banks and governmental organisations feature most prominently in the top 10 having completely outperformed sectors more traditionally associated with LGBT rights such as the media and the arts. This is perhaps because these industries have become complacent in measuring their efforts in comparison to the corporate world. Either way these findings are very positive and will help to raise the aspirations of LGBT people entering the working world, knowing even the biggest multinationals encourage diversity and will support them throughout their career.
Here is Home Secretary Theresa May’s response to coming top of class:
If you want to read the full report you can do so here.