Sponsored Video – Samsung SmartTV | TQS Magazine

To present the launch of Samsung’s new SmartTV with motion control technology, Samsung have created a farcical promotional video demonstrating the mayhem that the technology can cause when a beautiful model type girl uses her new TV opposite an office block full of captivated men:

Alongside the witty video, their social campaign is well worth a look. At their Facebook page, you can also see exclusive behind the scenes making-of footage as well as content and information on SmartTVs. The technology allows you to control your entertainment system without endless searching down the couch for the remote – simply use voice recognition or motion capture instead.

Here at TQS, we were as much taken with the confusion motion capture could cause as we were with the technology itself. So, we’ve been thinking about what other havoc we could create using only a Samsung SmartTV and our fantastic ingenuity:

  • We’re huge fans of dancing at TQS and flatter ourselves we’re a dab hand too. If we could configure the sensors to change channel to a hip gyration, the volume with some funky shoulders and the planner with a bum wiggle, we’d have a flash mob going in no time.
  • Using voice recognition we’d like to experiment with our phenomenal vocal dexterity. Be it recreating famous film scenes such as “You lookin’ at me?” or assigning different functions a variety of ‘hilarious’ accents, you’ll definitely keep eavesdropping neighbours on their toes.

What would you do with a SmartTV? Apart from never needing to move from the sofa again and forever ridding the world of battery hunts when the remote control dies, let us know what pandemonium you would engineer.

This post was sponsored by Samsung but the thoughts are our own.