Award winning HBO series Girls tells the story of a group of ‘girls’, trapped somewhere between teenagers who’ve just left college and the confident, sassy Carrie in Sex and the City. Leading lady Hannah, along with fellow life travellers Marnie, Jessa and Shoshanna, will soon bring their unique spark back to our screens in Season 3 of Lena Dunham’s popular series.
Seasons 1 and 2
Season 1 of Girls charted the faltering steps of the four post-college friends on the cusp of adulthood. This first series draws out the characters and fills out their personalities, leaving us in no doubt as to the insecurities they each have to bear, bringing to life all the comedic moments that unfold when boys, work and families are added to the mix.
Season 2 is a more confident portrayal of the twists and turns of the protagonists, as they navigate the treacherous waters of life as a twenty something. With greater self-knowledge comes a lack of tolerance of other people’s foibles but an even greater reliance on friends and room mates for social support.
Girls Season 3
Season 3 should bring more of what we have seen in 1 and 2, but will probably look to take everything one step further, cementing the characters and further developing their traits and foibles. Adam, Hannah’s on-screen love interest, is also set to return to our screens.
With the carefree times of college now far behind them, Hannah’s increasingly complicated life will take centre stage amongst the messy relationships of her friends. Preppy, eccentric but headstrong Hannah, never afraid of speaking about what is in her usually self-absorbed mind, is back. Writer Lena Dunham perfectly crafts the lives of grown up teenagers in a twenty something world, so we can’t wait to see where she takes the characters this time.
Hannah Comes of Age
In the melting pot of life that is Hannah’s world, the usual ‘Girls Rules’ apply. Every day is a drama and every drama a life event in her path to her coming of age. Hannah and her insoluble friendships are sure to battle their way through life’s challenges with a mixture of their usual aplomb and lack of finesse. As in Season 2, fans will no doubt enjoy watching Hannah’s life unravel into comic moments, assorted humiliations and sporadic triumphs, which certainly rings true for those of us who’ve lived through our twenties.
Funny and Poignant
Honest portrayals of funny and poignant moments will no doubt add more depth to Hannah and her compadres. The rocky relationships both past and present will keep us entertained as we watch Hannah traverse life’s uncertain paths and wonder what her next move will be. We can surely expect the same raw emotions we were privy to in Seasons 1 and 2, with plenty of heartache and messy friendships. Inevitable marriage breakups and the dawning of new relationships will herald an even more complicated future. Season 3 is unlikely to disappoint. The ‘Girls’ are most definitely back so get the popcorn out and enjoy the new episodes.