Cardinal Burns is a new comedy TV sketch show written and performed by comedy duo Seb Cardinal and Dustin Demri-Burns. Coming to our screens next Tuesday (8th May on E4 at 22.30) Cardinal Burns will introduce us to recurring characters: Office Flirt and New Guy, a cartoonish sketch examining office etiquette (clip below, watch it until the end for a guaranteed laugh), a behind the scenes look at street artist Banksy (above) and Young Dreams, a parody of The Hills featuring three young girls on a fashion internship.
“Sketches range from silly and cartoonish to smart, contemporary concepts, to character pieces and quick fire moments of madness, all filmed with an ambitiously filmic and rich frame of reference that make this series stand out from the crowd.” We’ll hold them to that.
When the series was commissioned last year Channel 4′s comedy editor Fiona McDermott said: “Quite simply, Cardinal Burns are one of the funniest sketch duos around. Delightfully clever, imaginative and silly, theirs is a brand of comedy that is perfect for E4 and we can’t wait to start working with them.”
Cardinal Burns have performed to sell-out audiences across the country, from their critically acclaimed debut at the 2009 Edinburgh Fringe to a successful run at London’s Soho Theatre in 2010. Their sketch show for E4 will be their first solo TV project.
You can also follow the pair on Twitter or visit their official site for more information.