Lionsgate partner with Dominos pizza | TQS Magazine

As more and more people are choosing to (legally) stream movies online either through subscription services such as LOVEFiLM & Netflix or as one-off downloads through iTunes & Blinkbox it’s becoming increasingly commonplace to watch a film online from the comfort of your own home. And now, thanks to Dominos & Lionsgate, you can do it with pizza.

When Dominos (the pizza delivery people) got in touch to tell us about their new partnership with Lionsgate UK (the film studio people) which brings pizza and movies to a sofa near you, we were more than a little excited to try it out.

Customers can now order their favourite pizza and a whole host of popular films all online via Domino’s website. Simply choose from a range of pizza and movie deals and confirm the order to receive a code to begin the film download. The movies are then streamed direct through a PC/MAC, mobile and tablet.

Now we all know Dominos do a mean (if a little overpriced) pizza but what are the films like? Well, as you’d expect from a partnership with a single studio, the range isn’t hugely broad but there are some good titles such as The Hunger Games, Reservoir Dogs and Cabin in The Woods. You can see the full range of films included in the promotion here but if anyone chooses METAL TORNADO, do let us know your thoughts.