LGBT History Month 2011 | TQS Magazine

Yesterday I wrote an article on The Justin Group’s Football v. Homophobia campaign and how they are ramping up their efforts as part of LGBT history month 2011. So what exactly is LGBT history month and how can you take part?

LGBT History month takes part in February each year in order to celebrate the lives and achievements of the LGBT community as well as raise awareness for topical issues, there will be events near you so get involved!

This year’s history month focusses on sport (hence the tennis ball logo), regarded by many as one of the last bastions of homophobia. It’s very much a hot topic at the moment with the upcoming Gareth Thomas film, The Justin Campaign and former cycling world champion Graeme Obree coming out only today.

Here are a couple of events taking place taking place in my city, Leeds.

Public Display of LGBT authors

Throughout February Leeds Central Library will be have a display featuring a selection of books by LGBT authors – I recommend Christopher Isherwood’s A Single Man and Alan Hollinghurst’s The Line of Beauty.

Leeds University Union are keen supporters of LGBT history month and actively encourage people to take part in their events, ranging from coffee hours to presentations and even lighting the distinctive Parkinson building up in pink to celebrate the event – full information can be found on their website here-

To find out what’s happening where you are visit the LGBT History Month website. So no matter where you are, you have no excuse not get involved in this year’s events.

Related posts:

  1. Top 10 LGB Equality Employers 2011
  2. Top 5 LGBT TV Programs of 2010