Junior, sorry, Young Apprentice returns to BBC1 | TQS Mag

We’re not exactly sure why producers have decided to rename the second season of Alan Sugar’s search for a pint-sized Apprentice to the Young Apprentice but you can rest assured we’ll be watching. Whilst not quite as brutal as its grown-up equivalent, the series put the candidates through their business paces.

The prize the 12 16-17 year olds are fighting for is a £25,000 fund that will be managed by the Sugar Daddy (sounds a lot more sinister in this context, doesn’t it?) to help the fledging businesspeople in their future endeavours. Advisors Karen Brady and Nick Hewer will also be returning to put in their two cents worth. Although Karen is a brilliant businesswoman and fits well within the dynamic we still miss Margaret, no one could raise an eyebrow like she could.

The Girls

An impressive bunch, this year’s girls include: a film producer, an A level student and a farmer’s daughter.

A fundraiser, the owner of a photography business and a youth parliament representative are the just three of the over-achievers from the boys that make us feel like a waste of space.

The candidates’ quotes aren’t quite as cringe-worthy as the main series either but they still give a terrifying insight into the unflinching self-belief you need to go on this show. Harry Maxell claims:

“In terms of my intellect, self-motivation, confidence, and business instinct for my age, I am unrivalled. I have a pure entrepreneurial gift waiting to be unleashed and harnessed”

Let’s hope someone rivals him.

Young Apprentice Series 2 starts on Monday 24th October and the first episode will see the boys pitted against the girls in a task to create a range of frozen treats.

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