Joe Browns Fashion Bloggers Event | TQS Magazine

Joe Browns is a brand I can’t say I’ve ever shopped from, or even been aware of to be completely honest but last week the company invited a bunch of bloggers to their Leeds office for a preview of the Autumn/Winter collection. Upon arrival we were treated to some great Mexican food and Margaritas but it wasn’t long before we got down to business.

Mr Joe Browns was first to speak, welcoming us and giving an insightful introduction the the brand. It’s always fascinating to get under the skin of a brand identity and no one can do it better than the founder, normally filled with corporate-speak and polished to within an inch of their lives, presentations of this sort can tend to be pretty dull. This one however was much more rough and ready, like the brand, and all together more personal.

After a quick cig break it was then the buyers’ time to speak, talking us through the inspiration behind their collections. Womanswear was first, with ranges entitles ‘Object Trouvé’, ‘Alpine’ & Navaho there certainly was a broad range from chunky knits to military coats with a twist. However, being the only male at the event I’ll focus on menswear, if you want to read more about the ladies’ ranges you can do so over at fellow bloggers L’amour Lauran & A Forté for Fashion.

An aesthetic immediately apparent (and one I’m partial to) from the men’s range was Lumberjack/Alpine inspired, with a well cut and warmly lined red check coat catching my eye straight away. This theme continued through to the accessories and was reflected in a great deal of the mens casual shirts. That being said, there were also a range of shirts, from the range ‘Bacardi Nights’ which couldn’t be more different, multi-panneled in equally garish patterns these shirts couldn’t be more over top if they had flashing lights instead of buttons. However, never being one to judge prematurely, I was forced happy to try one on and to be fair, it looked better on than off. I much preferred the shirt below however which maintained a flourish of the garish with the inner cuff lining but was much more me:

Whilst being the only boy, I think I tried more clothes on than any of the girls and look forward to spending the £75 voucher they kindly gave us, after I had tried pretty much everything on and brutally assaulted a Giraffe*  the event was pretty much over. All that was left to do was rummage through our goodie bags and you know, talk to eachother.  Clothes aside, it was great to meet some of the other bloggers, shoutouts to Little Bird Fashion, Fashion Train, VIPXO, Gh0stparties, Coyne Operated Girl, Top Style Advice & Ceriselle and some others who I’ve probably forgotten due to the Joe Browns lot plying me with booze (I’m not complaining.)

Photos courtesy of Ellie (who definitely should get the Joe Browns floral bomber jacket)

*No Giraffes were hurt in the writing of this blog post, all assaulted wildlife was strictly inatimate: