One of the best things, some might say one of the few things that make this country bearable to live in is the UKs music scene. From when the Beatles ruled the world in the 60s, Led Zeppelin bringing a whole lotta love to the 70s and the 80s bringing Indie to the UKs shores.
Time after time since indie rock really hit in the early 00s we have seen bands flutter in and out of the scene as though they were the little old woman who accidently walked into the wrong Cineworld screening. Few bands have really been able to stand the test of time and since then the UKs music scene has changed even more.
So maybe it’s time that we start accepting that these bands won’t go away, some have stuck to their guns and built a strong fan following. Many don’t like them but it’s safe to say that Kasabian are one of the most popular indie rock bands that this country has produced in the last decade.
Soma High have a lot of the same qualities as Kasabian, a front man with obvious charisma and a lead guitarist that is undoubtedly impressive. Soma High though are a working progress, Secrets That Didn’t Happen will not be their finest hour once these boys are done.
They have an impressive sound, but unfortunately it’s nothing that we haven’t heard before. Their snarling lyrics are just nothing new, which is a shame because you can really hear a rough diamond within Secrets That Didn’t Happen.
However having said that, there could well be a hit or two amongst the album if it’s given the right publicity, Flashback Tuesday (which you can listen to here) could easily be a big hit up and down the country as students head back to colleges and universities.
Secrets That Didn’t Happen is full of potential but it shy’s just off of the mark of being a good debut album. Nevertheless Soma High is definitely a name that you should keep in mind because sooner or later someone will ask you if you’ve heard of them, as they have the potential to go very far indeed. If it is with Secrets That Didn’t Happen only time will tell but if it were it certainly wouldn’t be the biggest surprise as Soma High are full of student friendly music with an already accomplished sound.
Words by Matthew Foran