The Muppets Movie's Unstoppable Publicity Machine | TQS Magazine

I like The Muppets. I like movies. I even like (good) marketing but I’m bloody sick of the marketing for The Muppets movie.

I’m sick of it purely because there’s too much of it, everytime I turn on the TV, get a bus, go on Twitter or read the news, Kermit or Miss Piggy’s mugs are inevitably plastered all over it. It’s getting to the point where I’m annoyed when I see them, slowly erasing the immense amount of nostalgia I feel for my erstwhile furry friends. Just me?

Let me preface this rant by saying I understand that it’s been over 10 years since the last major Muppets theatrical release and the marketers need to introduce and educate today’s younger audience on who The Muppets actually are. I also understand Disney has deep pockets and I won’t be making any facile comparisions like: “this marketing budget could have produced 20 indie British films”. That would just be silly.

Furthermore, i’ll be focusing on UK targeted marketing as if I considered other countries I would need to upgrade my internet hosting package just to fit all the links into one post.

– The Muppets appear in a series on (brilliant) parody trailers including: Bollywood, Paranormal Activity and The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo

– The Muppets appear in a series of parody posters playing on popular movie themes such as Team Edward and Team Jacob in Twilight.

– The Muppets appeared as guests on The Jonathan Ross Show (image above)

– The Muppets do the Orange ‘Don’t let a mobile phone ruin your movie’ cinema ad.

– The Muppets attack Fox News.

– The Muppets Movie has amassed almost 1.5 million ‘likes’ on Facebook through a series of social media-led campaigns.

– Kermit takes over Disney Movies UK Twitter account prompting interaction and mass publicity from Twitter god Stephen Fry,

– Kermit talks us through his day taking over the Disney UK Twitter account

– Kermit thanks us for tweeting him during his day taking over the Disney UK Twitter account

– All anyone talks about on Twitter is The Muppets

– The Muppets have teamed up with Cravendale milk :

– I know I said I was focusing on the UK but I had to include this one American link. Back in November The Muppets appeared in Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. Make that two American links, The Muppets do a Google Hangout.

And to top it all off I’ve now written this post and given them further publicity.

I guess we all know who’s pulling the strings here.

Have a missed/subconciously blocked out any other muppety marketing messages? Let me know in the comments below:

Jamie McHale