Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has revealed that her next novel is to be aimed at adult readers after announcing a change in her publisher. The Daily Mail reports that Rowling, who is estimated to be worth over £530 million, felt that a move from Bloomsbury, publisher of the Harry Potter series, to Little, Brown was a ‘logical progression’. Industry experts have estimated the deal to be upwards of £5 million. Rowling, who is yet to reveal a title or date for the novel, was quoted by BBC News:
“The freedom to explore new territory is a gift that Harry’s success has brought me, and with that new territory it seemed a logical progression to have a new publisher.”
Despite remaining secretive about the content of the novel, she added:
“Although I’ve enjoyed writing it every bit as much, my next book will be very different to the Harry Potter series.”
Speculation is already rife about the genre of the latest J.K. Rowling novel. Little, Brown have published novels by Patricia Cornwell, Nicholas Sparks and Robert Lyndon, so no clues have been given by the announcement of Rowling’s change in publisher. However, the deal has put the ball in motion towards a release date that will undoubtedly spark a worldwide frenzy as people clamor to get their hands on the first J.K. Rowling novel since the monumental Harry Potter series. If we look at the heart-wrenching, descriptions of love described in the latter Potter books as well as Rowling’s ability to create a sense of impending doom and sheer horror, then bookworms have nothing to fear whatever the genre. Rowling’s move into the world of grown-up fiction will surely be spell-binding.
Jamie Fisher