Make note ladies & gents, a leap year is upon us and with it comes a notable tradition. The 29th of February offers a small window of opportunity where society cannot condemn a lady for requesting her man’s hand in marriage. Hendrick’s Gin , the spiffing gin brand, have called on their esteemed professors to devise brief yet highly effective courses in the arts of WOO and ANTI-WOO (no, that isn’t the name of a cocktail), which will be touring the country this February to aid you! So whether you’re a little lady trying to pin down your chap or a chap trying to evade you’re little lady – listen up!
(Gin based) drink in hand, they will guide you through the Prism of Opportunity or Fearful Day (whichever way you see it) and allow you to put into good practice all that you have learned in a most intriguing evening of encounters… A Complimentary Cocktail will ensure the mind is prepared for such frivolity.
There was a date at the Maven in Leeds on the 8th of Feb but unfortunately, we’ve only just heard about this campaign at TQS so the only remaining date for the School for Scoundrels and the Ladies School of Nuptial Conquest is Monday 20th February at The Lonsdale, London.
Empowered by your education and prepared for all eventualities, you may then approach the 29th February and Hendrik’s Preposterous Proposal Throne with confidence as the number one piece of advice for ladies looking to obtain their desired gent’s hand in marriage is to conduct their proposal in public– no self-respecting rotter would tarnish their reputation by declining a lady in public.
For your first lesson, watch the video below and visit their really cool site at for more tips including how to apply for a chance to sit upon the Preposterous Proposal Throne on its London tour.