Doctor Who Series 7 Episode 4: The Power of Three | TQS Magazine

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Slightly ashamed to say…I really enjoyed this week’s episode.  Usually the first to tear apart a Doctor who with lacklustre writing and mediocre plot, on Saturday it all passed me by as we geared up to say goodnight to the Ponds.

It’s true that the central plot could have fitted into ten minutes and that the resolution was lacking sense.  In fact, frankly, any kind of resolution would have done; I’ve not found a blog yet that could explain to me how the Doctor got rid of the black boxes and brought millions of people back from the dead.

Besides the storyline, this episode was classic Russell T Davies, which, controversially, is not my cup of tea.  I thought Steven Moffat taking the helm meant the end of poorly paced episodes where the Doctor sits down for an emotive chat, usually with the pretty female assistant, while we either miss action taking place elsewhere or a monster dawdles rather politely round a corner until the conversation’s done.  But no, lo and behold the Doctor’s sat picturesquely at the side of the Thames with Amy while Rory battles on at the hospital.

I’m not a great fan of UNIT either (but that might be sacrilegious for old time fans).

But – it was ace anyway!  Because, when it comes right down to it, I’ve loved the Ponds and they deserve a bit of indulgence before they bow out.  Regardless of your feelings about the flame haired duo, every notable assistant gets a last hurrah and these two should be no different.  What’s more, while as a standalone episode The Power of Three was technically weak, as a part of the series it fitted perfectly into the themes of home which have been prominent in the first three instalments.

Monsters and time travel are not always the point of Doctor Who; rather, they’re a backdrop for more human problems, emotions and stories.  The Power of Three is a case in point: it sacrificed conventional thrills in order to necessitate character developments which were not only poignant but also essential to Amy and Rory’s final curtain performance.

Next week, The Angels Take Manhattan, and our beloved assistants too. *Gulp*