Cole | TQS Magazine

On the 24th July 2010 something ambitious was happening. A documentary was being crafted which would show a snapshot of people’s lives. From 192 countries people submitted videos of what they were up to that day, culminating in 4,500 hours of footage from 80,000 clips. Producer Ridley Scott, director Kevin MacDonald and film editor Joe Walker sifted through the wealth of material and managed to create something utterly fascinating. At only 94 minutes this crowdsourced documentary is a succinct exploration into human life. It’s a charming film, which (unless you have a heart of stone) will make you feel. There is something joyful whilst watching it,… 82 years after his initial inception in the pages of Le Petit Vingtième, Hergé’s seminal creation Tintin hits the big screen. With Steven Spielberg at the helm the boy reporter is thrust into a rip roaring adventure that is sure to satisfy anyone who loves the spectacle of cinema…. In anticipation of the much talked about release of The Hunger Games early next year, a film about the brutal annual fight to the death between children, we thought we’d take a look at some of cinema’s (and other fiction’s) most ultra-violent sports as well as give a survival rating for each one, from Tron’s Disc Wars to the cruelty of Pokemon, fancy your chances?…