Bridesmaids Film Review | TQS Mag

1 July 2011 No Comment

Bridemaids received a huge amount of press prior to its release (the PR team must be laughing themselves to sleep) a combintation of positive reviews and critiscism of the marketing camaign (funnily summarised on Ultra Culture here) and now the film is on general release it is enjoying the power of positive word of mouth and looks sure to be a big winner at the box office and now it’s time for our film review!

The film follows the ever-increasingly troubled life of Annie and how she deals with the impending marriage of her best friend, Lilian in the face of several obstacles. Firstly, the arrivial on the scene of the ultra glamorous Helen, a new friend of Lilian who glides her way to the top of the pecking order flashing her cash, contacts and class to win over her fellow bridesmaids.

On top of Helen’s machinations Annie is caught between two men, one a mysognist playboy and the other a sweet (if somewhat wet) policeman. Being repeatedly rejected by the first, romantically courted by the second but interested in neither.

To add insult to injury, Annie’s bakery went brankrupt and so now she is forced to work in a jewellery store but with all that’s going on in her life she finds customer service, shall we say, difficult. Being left with no choice but to move in with her mother, it really doesn’t seem like things can get any worse for Annie and she may just hit, as her mother says, rock bottom.

Her unfolding life playing out against the appraoching wedding of her friend sees Annie become part of a bunch of women, the eponymous bridesmaids forcing her to explore her relationship with men, her friends and ultimately, as cheesy as it sounds, herself.

Leading lady (and writer Kristen Wiig) really is the star of the feautre, with brilliant comic timing and some of the funniest, yet most subtle, facial expressions of any actress going. Despite a crowd-splitting vomit/toilet humour scene the comedy largely derives from the very well done and largely fast paced script.

Bridesmaids is also very touching but notably, not for the romantic sub-plot, whilst this is certainly a major aspect of the film, it was more Annie’s relationship with Lilian that resonated. Almost all of us have in some point of our felt like we’ve been drifting apart from a close friend. Bridemaid’s depiction of this common but sad occurence is nuanced and beliveable and strikes up a perfect counterbalance with the comedy.

Definitely living up to the hype we give Bridesmaid’s 5 stars and recommend that if you’re only going to see one film at the cinema this summer, make it this one!

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