Best ads of 2014 so far | TQS Magazine

We are only in February of 2014, yet already a refreshingly creative number of new adverts have been broadcast on our TV screens. In the context of this article, the word ‘memorable’ refers to adverts that, not only stick in the head, but have creative spark, as well as commercial potential. Here are three great, memorable TV adverts:

Guinness – Sapeurs

Guinness are well-known for their thought-provoking and often ground-breaking television advertising and this advert very much continues that trend. In the past, global marketers have been prone to portraying Africa with either humour or pity – this advert breaks ground in the sense that it does neither of these things. In fact, this advert portrays the Africans as both cultural equals and inspirational role models, which is one of the many, many reasons to admire this advert.

This commercial shines its spotlight on the Sapeurs, otherwise known as the Society of Elegant Persons of the Congo. Sapeurs is a real-life club, made up blue-collar workers who dedicate most of their time and money to colourful fashion, effortless cool and savoir faire. – Carfuffle

The first of two adverts, devised as part of the used car website’s rebranding and revamping operating. This advert immediately sticks in the heads of viewers, for the way in which it identifies the process of buying a car, a far from a pleasurable experience and can quite often be very difficult.

By way of a dream sequence that shows a woman tormented by a car carousel in a creepy fairground, to echo the way in which car buying can often make you feel like you are going in circles. The woman in the advert snaps out of her torment and goes straight on to the website, and uses the site’s Smart Search function to make the whole process easier.

Old Spice – Momsong

This bizarre and incredibly sinister advert sees a number of mothers cursing Old Spice aftershave for turning their ‘sons into real men’ and it went viral on YouTube in its first weekend, amassing 940,000 views.  The video comes with the description: ‘New Old Spice Re-Fresh Body Spray may cause boys to become men, girls to become girlfriends, and moms to become sad’. Creepy? Yes, but nonetheless creative and very memorable. This is a possible contender for advert of the year, even at this early stage.